Introduction to Cyber Security

What is Cyber Security?

Network Components

Ready to try Linux?

Securing your connection

Is your Web Secure?


This course aims to help you understand the fundmenal foundations of Cyber Security. You don't need any kind of background for this course , we will provide the knowledge you will need.


This beginner path aims to give you a broad introduction to the different areas in Computer Security. We will cover the following areas:

Network Fundmentals - Core Understanding of networks.

Basic Linux - Get to know the OS.

Web Fundmentals - Understanding how the Web works

Cryptography - Scratching the surface of Secure Communication


Week 01

What is Cyber Security?

Going over the fields, concepts, terminology of Cyber Security.

What is Network?

Diving into Computer Networking and how devices Communicate.

OSI Model

Discussing each layer and difference between TCP/IP.


A deep dive in the industry standard scanning tool.

Week 02

Linux Fundmentals 1

Knowing the OS and running the essential commands.

Linux Fundmentals 2

Upgrading to more advanced commands , and file system interactions.

Linux Fundmentals 3

Engaging with Every day use utilities.

Week 03

Structure of a Website

Looking at the building blooks of a website.


Web server request using HTTP Protocol.

Putting it all together

Looking on how the Network components work together.

Week 04

Hashing Intro

Brief look on the Hashing process.

John The Ripper

Using John The Ripper to crack passwords.


Brief look on the Encryption process.